Monday, May 10, 2010

This is so trueee!!

女生很想他,于是决定给他发一条短信: 你睡了吗?在干嘛呢?呵呵,我们还在说话呢。据说明天要降温,多穿点衣服呀!!其实--- 其实--- 我现在挺想你的!! 考虑了一分钟,把短信改成: 你睡了吗?在干嘛呢?呵呵,我们还在说话呢。据说明天要降温,多穿点衣服呀!! 又考虑了一分钟: 你睡了吗?在干嘛呢?呵呵,我们还在说话呢。 又一分钟: 你睡了吗?在干嘛呢? 又一分钟: 睡了吗?在干嘛? 然后,她按了确定发送的键! ( 叹气....) 男生的手机响了!男生抓起来一看果然是她,莫名的激动起来!赶紧给她回短信: 我还没有睡呢,现在正在上网。呵呵,我们宿舍也正热闹的起劲!!听说明天要降温,别忘了多穿衣服呀!其实-- 其实-- 咱们明天一起吃饭吧? 考虑了一分钟: 我还没有睡呢,现在正在上网。呵呵,我们宿舍也正热闹的起劲!!听说明天要降温,别忘了多穿衣服呀! 又考虑了一分钟: 我还没有睡呢,现在正在上网。 又一分钟: 上网。 然后,他按了确定发送的键! ( 叹气....) 有没有试过这样的情况,你喜欢的那个人,你居然会不敢和他说话。 写一个短信给你,到了最后一秒,居然就会删除。 左想右想,怕你知道我的心轻视我,怕哪句话说不好让你不开心, 更怕的是,如果忙忘记了或者因为别的原因没有回应,有多么尴尬。 写一封邮件给你,写了一千字,删除掉八百字。 去掉我想念你,去掉所有的心情,去掉天气,去掉自己刚刚看的电影, 去掉自己昨天心情不好以及今天心情好的原因,去掉所有和感情相关的字眼, 仿佛公事公办的,变成三行的邮件,到了最后,居然也没有发出去。 不喜欢的人,可以容易地讲个笑话,随便地发个短信, 甚至,打去电话问对方有什么节目以便随时去参加。 喜欢的,却变成心里的死穴一个,动都不敢动,甚至,看到的时候,话都说不出来。 喜欢某个人,偏偏见到他,一句话没有。 看着旁边的朋友和他谈笑风生,心里又嫉妒又着急。 暗示或者表白心际,一句我爱你,永远不丢人。 如果我想你了 我会掏出手机 看看有没有你的短信 即使我知道 几率是那么的渺茫 如果我想你了 我会在手机上飞速的打下一连串的对你说的话 最后却始终没有按下发送的键 只是不想打扰你 如果我想你了 我会看我们的短信记录 不管是什么样的对话 始终有种甜蜜的感觉 因为在你面前 我好像总是长不大 如果我想你了 我会借同学的手机拨你的电话号码 然后假装打错的样子挂断 因为那样我会知道 你是停机关机还是开机 如果我想你了 我会想 你是不是会想我呢? 哪怕 只有一秒钟的时间... 如果我想你了 我会听你推荐给我的音乐 细品歌词中的字字句句 如果我想你了 我会把思念换作节拍 让它在双手交辉中流露 如果我想你了 我会学着你的语气对自己说话 有的话很假 有的话很肉麻 如果我想你了 我会照镜子 审视着这样的我 能否匹配这样的你 如果我想你了 我会哭 不会像以前那样给你电话给你短信 只会一个人躲在寝室偷着哭 然后 在你来电话的时候 假装放了静音 不接 之后平淡的发个短信回去 问你有事么 如果我想你了 其实没有如果 每天都很想你 电脑桌面是你 手机主题是你 Mp3相册是你 一切的一切都是你 我想我想你了,你想我了吗?

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Cutie Pie - Chin Ninnnn's Birthday Bashh

Today is Chin Nin's BIG DAY!
Mae Yee the Myre aka the planner had planned everything to surprise the B'day girl
the plan is failed due to some funny reasons:
1. everyone is late :(
2. the b'day girl's father had forgotten to block her from coming out of the house. :((

3. where is her house??? :(((
We wait wait wait and wait for the b'day girl to come
she went to cut off her long-time-no-cut-super-duper-long-myre before she go to Australia because the barber in Australia is expensive.
While waiting...

1st stop!

we walk, stand and chit chat around.
2nd stop!

we went to McD for ice-cream!
Kwok Hoe the rich guy belanja-ed all of us ice-creammm
3rd stop!
we went for POOL!!!

I'm in love with pool and I learned how to play when I was at South Africa.

Guess what?

I'm Mae Yee's SiFu!!!! :D

and we won the game against Aaron and Kai Ling =)

Kwok Hoe, Aaron and Chung Eeeeee =)

Taken a pic before we leave

Camwhore while waiting Aaron

Our friendship band!!

Thx to Mae Yee aka The Great of Myre

Present exchange session at the place where we eat pasta (forgotten the name)

Chin Nin and Mae Yee cried like nobody's business

usually I will cry

maybe I've left me tears at South Africa & maybe because I'm not the one leaving

and so,

Aaron and me enjoyed the most touching movie in LIVE SHOW!

the actresses are just infront of us! so dark..........

after that...

we went to Secret Recipe and bought Chin Nin's favorite choc cake

seriously...the background behind... i mean the black-white picture looks like...aheeemmm...i dont have to say right? :S

camwhoring in da toilett

last camwhore before we leave!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

sun is killing me

Almost everyday exposed to the sun more than 5 hours
my skin is really dark and pain now =(
I still love the beach and the sun =D

went to the lagoon at Mnyameni today
its actually near from Port Edward but it takes more than 2 hours to get in to that paradise because we have to use the rocky, muddy and shakey road
on the way in to the lagoon,
there are lots of little cottage and plantations like corn and other kinds of unknown plants
beside the road,
we can always meet the little black children age around 2-10 asking for sweets
they will ask for sweets like the voice of beetle bugs
for example,
then we'll throw some sweets out of the window for them
LOL! its cute and funny!
it is actually a sad case when you see this
because they are so desperate of sweets and everything untill a group of them can fight for 1 candy or 1 RANDS( RM0.50)
SAD! =(
okay~ just hope that they stay and live well there =D

Don't know why I just feel that my luck is not really good nowadays
I keep on losing stuffs and drop stuffs and it wasn't my fault
just now when I went swimming,
I placed my flip flops on the sand
after some chatting session with Rhino,
I found out that the sea water had rised from the normal sea level and the sand is all covered up by the sea water
WTF??!! I quickly went to look for my flip flops
unfortunatelly, I can't find them
John told me that my shoe wouldn't go far as the water just rised up
probably is those blacks beside the beach saw it and they keep it for themselves
I went and asked them but they said they didn't see any shoes =.=ll...
FINE! I miss my flip flops and I dont' feel like buying a new one
and stupid Craig used something that people used to whack animals to whack me
that is supa dupa PAIN lo! and I have the mark on my fat thighs now
this reminds me of my primary school life - being whacked by teacher

anyways~ some people is acting too over nowadays and I can't stand looking at her stupid actions. She just spoiled our image! Makes people think that we Chinese are that "cheap".

okay~ gtg write report and pig now!good night!